Not sure where to start? Dive in with these five blogs that show how Blendable is flipping Group Benefits on its head!

Blendable Blog Hub

Come check out our blogs where we go over the ins and outs of the group benefits industry

The Great Resignation

The Great Resignation has impacted so many businesses. It's become a scramble to find methods to retain employees. Truth is, there are some easy solutions that will position your business to retain and attract top talent.

Stress Awareness Month

April is Stress Awareness Month. A month to recognize common stressors, why they occur and how to prevent them. Take a look at this blog to find out how Blended Benefits can become a solution.

Stop getting hosed by your benefits provider

Have you been hitting snooze at renewal and letting the insurance company dictate your plan instead of paying attention to your company’s group benefits? Take a lesson from this story and quit getting hosed!

Fraud Prevention Month

Fraud happens whether you want it to or not, so how can you prevent it?

How can small businesses save with better benefits?

How can small businesses take control of their costs without sacrificing important aspects of their business? Blended Benefits of course!

Work from home is here to stay

Work from home was just beginning. The workplace and workforce has since changed in more ways than one.

HSA doesn't mean Cost-Plus

It's a common misconception that a Cost-Plus is the exact same as a Health Spending Account, but that isn't always the case.

The benefits of supporting your team's healthy lifestyles

A healthy lifestyle provides many benefits for your team , higher morale, better work-life balance, and higher productivity

Metaverse? More like Blendiverse.

The world is changing... again. But don't worry, this time we're here to bring you up to speed.